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Ancient Concoction – Lotus Root Drink

Lotus Root Drink Recipe

This lotus root drink is another traditional recipe to help ease coughs and discharge mucus.

As the cold weather fast approaches, many of us succumb to those nasty colds. We can make this lotus root drink to ease coughs and discharge secretions from catarrh (inflamed mucus membranes) from the respiratory system.

Preparing the Lotus Root Drink

There are three ways to prepare the lotus root drink using either fresh, dried, or powdered lotus root. For the best result, make the drink from fresh lotus root that you can buy at an Asian grocery store or market.

I usually add some organic ginger to this drink for an extra warming effect. A practical way to gauge whether you need ginger or not is to check the type of mucus you have. If you have clear and runny mucus, it’s beneficial to add ginger juice. But if your mucus is thick and yellowish, it’s best not to add the ginger.

Ingredients for Lotus Root Drink

  • 1/2 cup finely grated fresh lotus root
  • A pinch of sea salt or a few drops of soy sauce
  • Filtered water
  • A few drops of grated ginger juice (optional)


  1. Wash and finely grate the lotus root.
  2. Place the grated lotus on a piece of cheesecloth or a tight-meshed strainer and squeeze out the juice into a bowl.
  3. Add 2–3 tablespoons of water to the pulp and squeeze out the liquid. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times until you cannot get anymore juice out of the pulp.
  4. Pour the lotus root juice into a bowl that can be used for steaming, and place the bowl in a pot with some water.
  5. Bring the water to a boil on high heat, and then lower, cover, and let the lotus root juice steam on medium heat for 3–5 minutes.
  6. Remove the pot lid and stir the juice.
  7. Add a pinch of sea salt or a few drops of soy sauce and a few drops of grated ginger juice, depending on your condition.
  8. Cover the pot and let the lotus juice simmer until it thickens. The drink should be thick and creamy.
  9. Serve hot and eat with a spoon.

Lotus Root Drink – Variations

One, substitute fresh lotus root with dried lotus root powder. This is the fastest way to make this traditional drink. You can easily buy dried lotus root powder online or from some Asian grocery stores.

Place 1 teaspoon of the lotus root powder in a cup and mix with enough cold water to make a paste. Then add boiling water while stirring the drink to prevent it from clogging. 

Two, you can consider replacing sea salt or soy sauce with half of the ancient and amazing power food—the umeboshi plum if you have this at home.


My traditional lotus root drink recipe was first published on The Epoch Times Fitness & Nutrition webpage.

Note: All information on this site is for informational purposes only and cannot be construed as medical advice. These natural food remedies are for maintaining your health and wellness. They are not meant to replace your medical treatment. If you have questions about your health or medical conditions, you should always seek medical advice.

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